District 4 Tournament
 States: FL, GA, SC, NC, VA, WV - Larry Michael, D4 Manager

(Usually scheduled on 1st weekend in November)

(Friday & Saturday) November 7th & November, 8th 2014

Gethsemane Baptist Church & Fellowship Building on right 07D4.jpg (106674 bytes)This year the tournament dates for the District 4 are the same as always. It is the first Friday & Saturday weekend in November (Nov. 7th & 8th). This will be played on Friday and Saturday and will be at Gethsemane Baptist Church Fellowship hall in Lexington, NC. There will be 8 rounds of 2 games each (1 opening) using the 156 deck openings. Scoring will be by games… 2 points for a win, 1 point for a draw. It looks as if the prize fund will be at least $2,000.00.  If we only have one division, as in the past, first prize will be $500. Entry fee will be $25.00 and registration will be 9:00-10:00 AM on the 7th.  A short business meeting is scheduled following registration.  Play will begin at 10:00 AM sharp Friday. There will be 4 matches played on Friday and 4 on Saturday.  We start of 8 AM Saturday with a two hour time limit per match. There will be no break for lunch. We will play right through so that the players can get back home as quickly as possible. Triad Inn on Bus 85 heading East at Intersection 64 .jpg (111089 bytes)

This year, I have made arrangements for accommodations with Triad Inn in Lexington. Their normal rate is $65.00 per room. But they have given us a special rate of $45.00 plus tax, if we use at least 5 rooms. You must call early for your reservation. They will accept reservations until October 31. Tell them that you are with the Larry Michael group. The number to call is 336-249-0112.

We will have a meal on Friday evening and lunch on Saturday as in the past. Larry Michael at 336-248-8620 or email: ltmichael@lexcominc.net 

Larry's Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 9:09 AM email: 

This year the tournament dates for the District 4 checker tournament are the same as always. It is the first weekend in November (Nov. 7-8). This will be played on Friday and Saturday and will be at Gethsemane Baptist Church Fellowship hall in  Lexington, NC. There will be 8 rounds of 2 games each (1 opening) using the 156 deck openings. Scoring will be by games… 2 points for a win, 1 point for a draw. As in the past, first prize will be $500.

Entry fee will be $25.00 and registration will be 9:00-10:00 AM on the 7th. Play will begin at 10:00 AM sharp. There will be 4 matches played on Friday and 4 on Saturday with a two hour time limit per match.

I want to urge you to come. On Friday morning there will be a short business meeting before the tournament begins. On Friday night at 6:00 PM there will be a dinner served for the checker players in the church fellowship hall. This promises to be a quality tournament and I hope you plan to be with us.


Directions to the Fellowship Hall: From Triad Inn, turn right onto Greensboro St. (beside Triad Inn).  Go approximately .8 miles, and then turn left on Hill Everhart Rd. Continue .4 mile to Gethsemane Baptist Church on right.  

I cannot stress enough how much we want you to come to this tournament. Let's make this a great tournament and a fun time for all. If you have any questions, or need assistance in anyway, please call me or you can e-mail me at the address above.

See you on the 7th

2014 Tournament Dates  |  D4 - Display